Cambridge University Press (2008), 710 pages.
Intended audience: Honors college freshmen, or upper-level college.
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Sample chapters (pdf draft versions):
Chap1 (Strategies for solving problems)
Chap6 (The Lagrangian method)
Chap11 (Relativity – kinematics)
Index to limericks, by first line
Cambridge Press website (Instructor support and sample material)
Google Books sample pages
Additional material: Chapter 15 on Hamiltonian Mechanics. (Section titles: Energy, Hamilton’s equations, Legendre transforms, Three more derivations, Phase space and Liouville’s theorem.)
Many of the limericks in the book, along with a few on other topics, can be found here: physics limericks.
This book (the red book) is more advanced than Problems and Solutions in Introductory Mechanics (the blue book). The blue-book problems are similar to the one-star and two-star problems in the red book. The red book contains many harder problems and more advanced topics. The blue book can be viewed as a stepping stone to the red book.
Note: If you are reading an electronic pdf version of this book, it is an illegal pirated file. If you find it useful/enjoyable, please consider buying the actual book, which is very reasonably priced for a thick hardcover book.
Side note: If you know of any middle school or high school students (or eager elementary school students) who are learning algebra, they might enjoy my new Algebra book!